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It can update the BIOS by itself or manual, the purpose is to solve some compatible problem of the chipset, and to update or not it depend on the users.
The way to update BIOS
Step 1:Enter the Silicon Image website. http://www.siliconimage.com/support/downloadcenter.aspx
Step 2:Download the new firmware according to the chip’s number. SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset
Step 3:Modified the BIOS version according to the readme from Silicon Image
Notice 1 . During the update process, please read the related readme carefully. 2. Update progress fail will possibly cause the card unavailable to use, so please according to the [update manual] to update, if the update fail, please email us or call the FAE for more info.
Search Results
It can update the BIOS by itself or manual, the purpose is to solve some compatible problem of the chipset, and to update or not it depend on the users.
The way to update BIOS
Step 1:Enter the Silicon Image website. http://www.siliconimage.com/support/downloadcenter.aspx
Step 2:Download the new firmware according to the chip’s number. SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset
Step 3:Modified the BIOS version according to the readme from Silicon Image
Notice 1 . During the update process, please read the related readme carefully. 2. Update progress fail will possibly cause the card unavailable to use, so please according to the [update manual] to update, if the update fail, please email us or call the FAE for more info.
Search Results
It can update the BIOS by itself or manual, the purpose is to solve some compatible problem of the chipset, and to update or not it depend on the users.
The way to update BIOS
Step 1:Enter the Silicon Image website. http://www.siliconimage.com/support/downloadcenter.aspx
Step 2:Download the new firmware according to the chip’s number. SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset
Step 3:Modified the BIOS version according to the readme from Silicon Image
Notice 1 . During the update process, please read the related readme carefully. 2. Update progress fail will possibly cause the card unavailable to use, so please according to the [update manual] to update, if the update fail, please email us or call the FAE for more info.
Search Results
It can update the BIOS by itself or manual, the purpose is to solve some compatible problem of the chipset, and to update or not it depend on the users.
The way to update BIOS
Step 1:Enter the Silicon Image website. http://www.siliconimage.com/support/downloadcenter.aspx
Step 2:Download the new firmware according to the chip’s number. SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset SATA4000 / SATA2020 is Sil3114a chipset
Step 3:Modified the BIOS version according to the readme from Silicon Image
Notice 1 . During the update process, please read the related readme carefully. 2. Update progress fail will possibly cause the card unavailable to use, so please according to the [update manual] to update, if the update fail, please email us or call the FAE for more info.